Having a fever and looking at animals

I've been down with a fever since last Friday. As soon as I stepped out of the airplane and touched Swedish soil I felt my throat aching and nose running instantly. It's great to be back but I gotta admit defeated. Swedish weater, 1, my immune system, 0.
Whenever I feel sad, scared or sick I either turn on animal planet or browse through subreddit r/cuteanimals, r/natureisfuckinglit and r/aww.
I don't need asprin. Just looking at animals is remedy enough. 
Here's my current sick day collection of
animals that I miss from Mexico:


These sweet superlovely humongous guinea pig-looking things bounced around outside of our hotel room. My boyfriend feed them all of our potato chips from the mini bar🙄💕. 



Racoon-like animals who loves food. They scavenged for food outside of the restaurants. I love food too, so naturally we're buddies.


My heart is melting for these giant lumps of love. We observed these creatures eating lettuce. Loads and loads of lettuce.

Fruit bats

These dark monsters live inside the Mexican cenotes. Why are you so cute?


Something about turtles fascinates me to the point that I could stare at one for the rest of my life  and I'd  die happy.
Diary | animals, bats, capybara, coatis, cute, djur, feber, fever, kärlek, livet, manatees, mys, reddit, sick, sjuk, turtle | |